Monday 15 December 2014

Margaret Hamilton

Margaret Hamilton was born in 1938 and she is alive right now. She was a woman who came to make software apollo 11 and as a result this ship could land on the Moon. In 1986, she Became the founder and CEO of Hamilton Technologies. She studied at Earlham College. It was a woman who showed that they were not only able to devote more than just trading with punch cards. He showed great intelligence and worth, and thus won the Lovelace 86 Exceptional Award and the NASA Space Act Award. One of the brightest minds in the world.

This is a picture of it a bit old. It`s in 1989

Thursday 27 November 2014

CALC (Spreadsheets)


Calc is a program  informatic of libre office. It is a spreadsheet in which you can do all sorts of formulas and operation.

What is a spreadsheet? It is a document that can be manipulated to perform operations with numbers and letters, all composed of cells. The cell is the most important part of calc, since everything is divided into them, and operations are done according to the cell.

As I said before Calc is a spreadsheet which can do all kinds of activities, but in this course we are taught basic:

1 In the first year alone we operations such as add, multiply or divide. This was the result:

2 In the second, already started making percentages, and use fixed cells. Also started using cell formats, this is because changing the format so that it can be put in hours, rates etc. So this is the result:

3 In this exercise was to use the previous year, only had to add what was the richest, the poorest and the average Wealth, all this with formula:

4In this and started making conditional use if ... also teach us to use conditional formatting, which serves to distinguish yna boxes depending on condition. This was the result:

5In this exercise we learned something very important, the graphics. They are made from year two. First select the data, and then insert, you can already make the graph. There are many kinds, but we used the bar and the cheeses. This was the result:

6This was the last thing we did, and served us to know several things:
- To find spending numbers from Arabic to Roman system and vice versa.
- To count the days from one date to another.
- To choose a number to luck.
- To series of numbers in arithmetic or geometric, or dates, whether years, days, or months etc.

All these were the exercises we did learn some of the endless formulas and operations that can be done with this awesome tool.

Monday 6 October 2014

Research questions 4

                                RESEARCH QUESTIONS

Visit and explains what is the approach of this organisation.

Products that can be repaired, should be repaired. Refurbished cell phones can be sold to someone new. Repaired computers bridge the digital divide. Even better, repair jobs are local. They won’t ever be shipped overseas.We fix what we have and not change it to another newer.

Supports people to recycle what you have instead of canviarlo, sunse so there is less electronic waste. Must be recycled which is still usable.  The world must not pay what people do. We also we suffer.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Research questions 3

                                      RESEARCH QUESTIONS
Research on wikipedia the recent history of Hong Kong. You know recently was a British colony?

The conquest of Hong Kong started in the 19 century(1800) when the Europeans see  in China a country with a lot of resources. It was finished in 1930.

Rsearch questions 2

                             RESEARCH QUESTIONS
which is a free port, like Hong Kong?

A free port is a port with a relaxed  jurisdiction with respect to the rest of the country. In most cases, this means. It`s free of tax on regulation favourable.

Research questions 1

                                     RESEARCH QUESTIONS
 Investigates the characteristics of Ghana and Nigeria. That population has, is its level of wealth and the main economic activities of the two.

Ghana has 24658823 people.
1,850.20 USD per capita.
It`s the 138 of the world.
Ghana is rich in mineral, metals and hydrocarbons.

Nigeria has 173.6 million people.
3,010.32 USD per capita.
It`s the 143 of the world.
Nigeria is rich in the petroleum.

Friday 19 September 2014

The first evaluation of 2ª ESO

We have started the second ESO computer. We are beginning to ergonomics, which is the design that is from the simplest to the most machine made ​​to suit our body and not annoying. We have started giving the correct posture to be taken when working on the computer. We sent three photos in which we have to correct the poor posture of our body. This we must do at home, plus a similar exercise should be done in class, just change the image. We have also seen a text by computer in which put everything on ergonomics.
Our teacher is also teaching us to do the typing test, and have already done the first test.

 This program must be written with the least possible faults all the words you can in one, two, or three minutes respectively.
The last thing you have sent us has been to this blog.


Tuesday 20 May 2014


                                                        What is Gimp?
Gimp is a computer software where artist, developers, users...use, develop, play with, tamper with, Free, Libre and Open Source Graphics applications, concepts, ...                    
I studied Gimp and I did much activities of this.
In my first exercise I did a head. I use a brush in different forms. But first I use a circle tool with stroke selection in edit.Then I did the eyes and the noise with control.And the last was did his leaps with other tool, and this was the result:

 The second activity was the same but I film the circle. This is the result:

And the third was a logo. I did the name of my mother with a shadow:

 The forth activity was similar than the third but I apply a filter:

The forth activity was nebula.I did a image with different rotations. This was the result:

The fifth was a image of computer with their parts.
This were the first activities, but I was much activities. I have, for example, one in which I had to flip the aeroplane image and copy and paste it in the same image. I made another image with the plane, but is similar. That's how it came out:

Then I taught clone,
namely, changing one part of the photo with one that is already listed. We did two exercises:


Then I did some exercises layers, thanks to the opacity, the images become more-transparent:

The following year was the mailbox and road. I had to do something like exercise only tickets I had to increase the brightness of the mailbox on the way:

I also made a free mount. it could put any picture:

And I did a free mounting Earth, moon and sun:

I made a montage with Godzilla in pyramids. You had to put behind godzilla:

And as a compulsory final activity we did a picture in which we use different filters:
After we did as a very fun and different extra activities. An example of a image:

I like this unit because it was more different than the rest. I did activities very interesting and funny. And I Lear infinitive of things. And I also did an exam.In this unit I learnt much things of photo shop, and I like because it was a unit more funny of others. gimp is much interesting. You can do the activities of you want, is fantastic.